
Taking Time Out

Taking Time Out

We’ve all heard that before. We can never have too many reminders to give ourselves permission.

Musing on taking time out, these thoughts came to me:

Our minds want to keep us in what they know; space allows our deeper wisdom to emerge.

It’s so easy to busy ourselves with activities, enjoying the stimulus of uplifting people. So actively programming in quiet, personal and reflective time, allows our own deep wisdom to emerge.

It helps us be the observer of our life, rather than being caught up in to-do lists and routines.

Space gives us flexibility, receptivity to change and allows us to listen to our deeper knowing.

Of course I’m writing about me, but it could apply to you too… so I am taking time out from my daily life including the internet from December 8th to January 15th, which will be a big change for me.

I’m grateful to have the opportunity to return to a Casa de Dom Inacio in Brazil, which I haven’t visited for eight years, to see an extraordinary person in an extraordinary place.

It is recommended that you take a guide, if you are going for the first time, this is a very comprehensive website, though I have no personal experience of the author as a guide. To see more guides, please click here.

So see you all in the new year refreshed and renewed! Wishing you a great time over the holiday season wherever you are.

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